Hubby and I watched the movie Social Network, which was an interesting look at how the website Facebook came to be. Hubby made a delicious beef stew to cap off our "snowday". Im not a huge fan of beef stew but hubby sure can make one! I love Hubby's beef stew because it is never the same twice! To accompany our stew was my free rolls from Pepperidge Farm. They had a rebate form, and were found in the freezer section. They were overpriced, so this family wont be buying them too often. But free is in my vocabulary, they were yummy, nice and crusty and hot from the oven.
I got my maternity leave paperwork from school the other day. 3 Months out of work is more money than I thought, so im going to be getting back into the couponing scene. My first couponing deal was the other day. Baby wipes for Miss Baby's bum were $3.00 on sale, I had a .75 coupon that they doubled so the wipes ended up being $1.50..... not a bad deal. More deals to come later :)
The stew looks great and great job on the coupons. I wish I could be as good at it as you are.
It pays to coupon. It is work so I spend time getting ready but I now have a good system and go for what I need and skip the deals I don't. Hate spending so much on something they poop on. A good site is She lists the best deals on diapers for each week and lots of other good baby needs. Good Luck!