- 3 CDs for .25 a piece
- A really cute wooden baby toy for $2.00
- A baby gate for $2.00
- Brand new reed difuser from yankee candle for $1.00
- Black cotton skirt $1.00
- A book for $.50
After our yardsale last weekend I promised hubby I would not buy stuff just because it was a good deal so I was very picky with what I bought. Not that I had to be THAT picky because there was hardly anything out there I wanted.
The yardsaling gods were not really on my side. We went to the Habitat for Humanity yard sale which is usually wonderful for housing projects and didnt get a single thing :(. I also went to over 20 yard sales and all I spent was $7.25. A very sad day for yardsaling.
I will tell you though if you are in the market for beenie babies please come to North Conway NH. I would say at least 60% of the yard sales I went to were selling the little suckers.